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  • B.Sc Economics & Development Studies

The department started as an academic department in the year 2012/2013 academic session with its pioneer head, Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Kiyawa. Prof. Kiyawa was at the helm until 2014/2015 session. Under his watch department changed its name from Department of Economics to Department of Economics and Development Studies before Dr. Bello M. Saidu took over a session.

However, Prof. Ummu Ahmed Jalingo who came on sabbatical appointment became the Head of Department between later part of 2014/2015 session and under her watch as the Head, the Department got full accreditation for the undergraduate programme in B.Sc Economics and Development Studies.

Currently, the Department is headed by Dr. Gambo Babandi Gumel. He became the Head of Department after an election which took place in 2015/2016 academic session.

Today, the Department is running postgraduate programs in Development Studies, Banking and Finance, and M.Sc Economics.

It may interest to know again that the Department has 30 academic staff with diverse specialization and 6 non-teaching staff which makes it easy to grow from strength to strength towards achieving mission and vision of the Department in particular and the University in general.

Dr. Gambo Babandi Gumel

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Interest: Desertification Control, Restoration and Agroforestry
Area of Specialization: BANKING AND FINANCE
Tel. Number: +234(0)8032499763/8151379020
Email Address:;

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