Name: Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad Adam B.Sc. Economics (BUK), M.Sc. Economics (BUK), PhD. Economics (NDA), MNES, FCIB, MNIM, MBA, PGDE
Title: Assoc. Professor / Director, Centre of Entrepreneurship Development
Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad Adam is an Associate Professor of Economics and pioneer academic staff of Federal University Dutse (FUD), Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) and Associate Member of the Nigeran Economic Society (NES). He started his academic career in 1997 with Kano State Polytechnic and later joined the services of First Bank of Nigeria PLC in 1999 as a graduate trainee where he rose to the rank of Manager and Head of First Bank PLC Academy Kano in 2008. Dr Adam has over 22 years of teaching, research and community service exposure and has published over 30 peer-reviewed academic articles in national and international reputable journals and conference proceedings among others. He is a member of several university committees, held many administrative positions and won number of research grants amongst which Six (6) are Tetfund IBR Grants. He was two-time Head of Department, Department of Economics and Development Studies, FUD; served as Deputy Director of Academic Services and University IJMB Programme Coordinator, FUD Consultancy Services; Chairman of Nigerian Economic Society-NES, Jigawa State Chapter and Chairman, Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria-CIBN, Jigawa State Branch. Dr. Adam is the immediate past Director of Research, the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CSER). He is currently the Director, the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CEED) Federal University Dutse.
The Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CEED) was established on 2nd October, 2014 with only a few staff; teaching and non-teaching. The Centre has the statutory mandate for teaching, training & skill acquisition and research. The Centre is interdisciplinary in nature, thus teaches and research issues related to value creation and innovations in various trade related to different disciplines. The Centre offers its core courses to all students at different levels. The Centre is staffed by a variety of personnel with diverse professional exposure. The staff comprises of academics, technologists, technical operators and craftsmen with different qualifications. The Centre is head by an academic staff at professorial cadre with numerous experience in economics and entrepreneurship at national and international levels. The Centre is associated with other trainings (i.e., workshops, intensive certificate course, technology innovation and management in diverse areas). The Centre has also put in place standard monitoring and evaluation procedure as a strategy for effective assessment of all its trainings, programmes and personnel.
To be the foremost entrepreneurship and skill development Centre in Nigeria.
To provide and promote a new generation of entrepreneurs by providing skills, knowledge and resources needed for businesses and individual development, thereby contributing to National development.