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The directorate has two (2) units. Their schedules of Duties are as follows:



The purpose of the Development Unit is to articulate, promote and advance the mission, vision and core values of Federal University Dutse to its various constituencies and the general public. The unit has the mandate to seek, and build strong support and lasting relationships with Philanthropic, Students, and investment from corporations, foundations, alumni, friends, parents, governmental, non-governmental, international organizations and institutions.

This also includes all stakeholders, who would assist into the development of the University. Their support and investment will help the University attained its desired goals.

It solicits, facilitates and encourages philanthropy, financial and other support for the maintenance and enhancement of the University’s capacity to fulfill its mission and vision through private gifts, grants, scholarships, fellowships, endowments, contracts, as well as federal and state appropriations. Non-financial assistance includes in the wider sense of an active understanding and appreciation of and support for the University.


  1. Developing and sustaining corporate partnership, and
  2. To serve as an agent of linkages between the Directorate, University and the outside world in the case collaborations for infrastructural development.



Traditionally, the Provision of public services and infrastructure has been the exclusive duty of the government. But with the increasing population density, urbanization and other developmental needs, governments have been restrained from adequately addressing the much-expected needs of the people. Adopting the public-private partnership (PPP) involves a rigorous process compared to traditional budgetary procurement. But that notwithstanding, good planned PPP projects always meet the value for money, deliver greater efficiencies and improve service delivery. In the vein of explaining more on this important procurement subject “public-private partnership’’, which is a concession arrangement contractually bounded by a legal procedural framework where the government is responsible for the public service but will delegate many of the operational tasks to private sector service providers under contract.



According to the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRC, 2013), the three main reasons that motivate governments to engage in PPPs for infrastructural development and service propagation:

  1. For optimal utilization of available resources and efficiency in services.
  2. To improve on the standing organizational plans and policies that will pave more ways for transparency and fairness assessment.
  3. To attract more skilled force with competitive flair and orientation on efficient performance.
  4. To reform sectors through a reallocation of roles, and incentives and improve accountability.



The legislation governing PPP procurement in Nigeria as enlisted in the Public Private Partnership manual are as follows:

  1. The Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRS) Act of 2005.
  2. The Public Procurement Act 2007
  3. Regulations issued by ICRC govern the PPP process.
  4. The state laws as described in each state’s PPP policies.



  1. The service contract PPPs
  2. The management contract PPPs
  3. Lease contract PPPs
  4. Concessions contract PPPs (e.g. Build-Operate and Transfer, (B0T),   Design Build and Operate DBO),



These PPP models thus are characterized broadly under five domains:

  1. Asset ownership
  2. Operation and maintenance
  3. Capital investment
  4. Commercial risk
  5. Service and revenue generation use.



  1. The best value should be sought for, and not necessarily the lowest initial cost.
  2. The inherent risks should be assigned to the party or partner capable of managing the risks.
  3. Penalties should be imposed for non-performance, and the key performance index should be well publicized.
  4. Contract uncertainties should be well deliberated on and properly taken care of at the inception stage of the agreement.



The Unit is expected to engage in service delivery, faster execution of projects and reduction in the cost of project execution.

The mandate and responsibilities of the Unit are:

  1. Identifying, prioritizing, selecting and developing a framework for public-private partnership projects.
  2. Assessing the current status and performance of key infrastructure in relevant sectors.
  • Assessing the policy, legal and institutional environment for involving the private sector in the provision of infrastructure.
  1. Negotiating/ re-negotiating of all DPPP projects using financial models to ensure visibility.
  2. Analyzing PPP projects with a view to determining the participation of each party in the procurement arrangement.
  3. Evaluating projects in the capital budget and suggesting those that can be undertaken through PPP.
  • Ensuring that all DPPP projects are included in the mid-term expenditure framework for continuity.
  • Undertaking financial and credit risk assessment in all DPPP transactions.
  1. Assessing, evaluating and managing post-contract activities.
  2. Assisting policy makers in developing the required strategies for increased private sector participation in infrastructure service, including contract monitoring.


Name: Aminu Muhammad Fagge PhD.

Title(s)/Position: Director

Dr. Aminu Muhammad Fagge is an Experienced University Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in higher education; highly skilled in qualitative and quantitative research with more than twenty-six (26) years of teaching Economics in higher institutions. Aminu obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the famous Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria – Nigeria. His area of specialization includes Development Studies, Public Sector Economics and Macroeconomic Stability among others.

Name: Muhammad Mahmoud Sule

Position: Deputy Director

Muhammad Mahmoud Sule holds a Master’s in Banking and Finance (1996) and a Bachelor’s in Economics (1989). Both were obtained from the famous Bayero University Kano and Post Graduate Diploma in Communicative English (2015) from Federal University Dutse. He attended several local and international banking courses. Mahmud is generally viewed as an accomplished administrator and consummate financial and business expert with over 30 years of working experience out of which 21 years were in the banking industry. His areas of specific expertise include banking operations, marketing and consumer relationship management, investment banking, debt recovery management, personnel administration, and industrial relations. He served in the Central Bank of Nigeria (1989- 1990) Research Unit. He worked for Owena Bank Nigeria Ltd and the Union Bank of Nigeria PLC where he garnered most of his financial management experiences. While in the Banking industry he mainly took responsibility for General Banking Management; Commercial and Retail Banking especially in most of the branches he served. Mahmud is also a pillar in FUD  having championed several initiatives in the name of FUD Ventures and Development such as University Mosque development (1 & 2), FUD Micro Finance Bank, FUD Guest House, University Consultancy Services, and FUD Book shop in all these and similar other initiatives Mall. Mahmud has served as a pioneer manager and an initiator. Currently, he is a leading figure in FUD’s Directorate of Development Public Private Partnership (DPPP) under the VCs Office. As Deputy Director at the DPPP, Mahmud is working positively on several PPP initiatives that in a few years to come will undoubtedly transform the physical outlook of FUD. Malan Mahmud is a responsible family man; he is married and blessed with many children. He hails from Gumel in Jigawa State.

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